Tag: fashion

TIG Talk with Leandra Medine

If you’re a fashionista, you read Man Repeller. If you like to laugh, you read Man Repeller. Frankly, if you listen to the likes of TIME Magazine, Forbes, or Fast Company, all of whom have cited Leandra, with her cheeky & brutally honest, fashion driven site, as one of the most creative & influential people in the blogosphere, then you also read Man Repeller.

Bobo vs. Breton

Bohemian Bourgeois, aptly nicknamed “bobo” by les Parisiennes, refers to a fusion of social classes, much like “Champagne socialists” in the UK, or “limousine liberals” in the states. And as loaded as all of that may be, let’s just for a moment, put the political suggestion to the side and simply talk about what it means to be “bobo chic.”