Author: The Tig

Chocolate Petit Gateaux

Oh, how I love the ritual of cooking. Baking…not so much. There’s something about the technicality of it that stifles my inner rebel; no dash of this or extra spoonful of that. There’s a science to baking and the measurements matter ever so much.

Afternoon Tea

One afternoon in the 1840s, Anna, the Seventh Duchess of Bedford, complained of that “sinking feeling” in her stomach. She was brought a pot of tea and light snack in her boudoir to relieve her hunger pangs.

Toasted Oatmeal Brûlée

Some of you may be lucky enough to be basking in the sweet sweet sunshine during these blustery winter months, but for most of us, winter means heavy coats, chilly toes, and the craving for something comforting. Cue this delectable rendition of classic oatmeal made fanciful with the addition of a brûlée topping.

Holiday Reading List

Cozying up during these rare days off work. Traveling to see friends and family. Tucking away for a vacation amidst the holiday revelry. Whatever it is – this time of year, you need a good book. Something to sink your teeth into, or perhaps something to share with the folks in your life you just can’t quite figure out a gift for.