How to Be Both
I’m consistently asked how I keep a foot in two contrasting worlds – one in the entertainment industry, predicated on wealth and indulgence, and the other in humanitarian work.
I’m consistently asked how I keep a foot in two contrasting worlds – one in the entertainment industry, predicated on wealth and indulgence, and the other in humanitarian work.
I am 33 years old today. And I am happy. And I say that so plainly because, well…it takes time. To be happy. To figure out how to be kind to yourself. To not just choose that happiness, but to feel it.
The fifth of May conjures up vivid musings for me – I close my eyes and picture parties for Cinco de Mayo, cucumber laden margaritas and tacos in hand, a piñata bursting at the seams with tamarind candies and ring pops. I see the Kentucky Derby, a deep rooted tradition I have long wanted to take part in, which falls on the same weekend.